Receive our warm greetings in the name of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ. We are eternally grateful for Kitwe Church’s support of our church-planting endeavours in South Sudan, and we continually cherish your invaluable prayers as we toil. As we are in the trenches of South Sudan serving our Master, we would like to bring the following updates to your attention.


We thank God for His care and provision to the two Missionary families of Juma and Yokoju. We are doing relatively well spiritually and physically. We are glad that our church is fully registered with the Bureau of Religious Affairs of the Republic of South Sudan and that we officially have a Post office box number. We can be reached at COMMUNITY BIBLE CHURCH, PO BOX 378 JUBA.

We are pleased that our regular church activities continue, including personal and corporate evangelism, to reach our community. We appreciate God for some evangelistic offers in some schools around our community. Our attendance is numerically growing to a tune of 80, which is made up mostly of women and children and a few men.

A growing number of the deaf community are also joining our prayer services. We can at least receive seven regular attendees to all our church activities. We have scheduled Tuesday from 3:00 to 5:00 P.m. as time for the deaf Bible studies. This program is intended to reach them with the gospel of Jesus Christ, and it is going well. We also do our general Bible studies every Friday from 5:00 to 6:00 P.m.


  • Firstly, we fervently need church land on which to direct those we reach to our permanently pitched tent.
  • Secondly, some denominations have continued to discourage others from coming to our fellowship because they think we are a cult- an accusation we know is false.
  • Thirdly, we face the continued struggle of religious syncretism, which we think is because of the influence of Catholicism.
  • Fourthly, we struggle with the transport challenge. Though there is a means of transport, it has many breakdowns, and besides, it is not enough to accommodate the two families.
  • Fifthly, much money is spent to clear medical bills due to frequent attacks of the families from Malaria and typhoid.
  • Sixthly, there is an abnormal increase in house rent by the landlords, making our families unstable.
  • Finally, the approach by some churches to meeting the physical needs of the people has made some of them think we are inhumane because we don’t help the disabled and the unemployed majority of our attendees.


  • Pray for our spiritual and physical health
  • Pray for faithfulness in ministry.
  • Pray for clarity in our exposition of Scripture.
  • Pray for the salvation of souls through our evangelistic endeavours.
  • Pray for the acquisition of church land.
  • Pray for volunteers to be trained to serve the deaf community in our church.
  • Pray for volunteers to serve in our Junior Church.
  • Pray for another means of transport(car).

Soli Deo Gloria (1 Cor. 10:31)
South Sudan Missionary Team




Three Months Away from launching Trinity Bible Church in Lilongwe!

Three Months Away from launching Trinity Bible Church in Lilongwe!

Emmanuel Mpeni – Lilongwe

Greetings our Friends and Partners in the wonderful name of our great King and Savior, Jesus Christ. I trust that this update finds you basking in the grace and mercies of our loving Father from whom all blessings things flow

Core Team News

The Lord who has promised to build his church has been faithful even in the process of assembling a Core Team that will be sent out in September to plant Trinity Bible Church. It is with much thankfulness and praise to our great God that I inform you our friends and partners that we have now a team of fourteen (14) members.

TBC Core Team Members Being Presented to the Church During Family Meeting

Under the leadership of our Sending Church, Reformation Bible Church we are excited to let you know that we have set 29 September as our launch date.

A Great Need still

We appeal to you all our friends and family to help us pray and support our efforts to get a vehicle a new vehicle. This vehicle will be a great tool to the work we are embarking on. We hoping to raise about $10000.


On the family side, my wife, Dorothy has continued to struggle with the pregnancy of our second child. We are expecting the arrival of our second child at the end of the month of August. Her struggle has been my struggle and the struggle of our family as she has not been able to do anything since the month of January and even her gathering with the church has not been happening at all in the real sense. Please pray that the Lord will sustain her in these last two months.

Prayer Petitions

  1. Praising God for the Core team which is excited to go and work for the Lord
  2. Pray that the Lord would add more people to the Core Team
  3. Pray for our efforts to raise funds for the vehicle
  4. Pray for my wife and my family in this difficult season that the Lord would sustain us
  5. Pray as we prepare for the launch of TBC that the Lord will provide all that is needed for the launch

Ministry Update: Lilongwe Malawi

We are excited to bring this update to you. We have been encouraged by what the good Lord is doing in our family and the
church we are about to launch.

On the family front, the Lord has been faithful to us despite some challenges along the way. We are thankful for the many God has continued to sustain my family. Given our son is growing up so fast, he is already two and half years now and keeping us on our feet. Thankful to the Lord for the grace he has given us to parent him. And as mentioned in the last update, the Lord has graciously granted us the privilege of another child whose arrival is end of August. But the pregnancy has come with great challenges and pain for my wife. She has been weak and in pain for the past four months so much so that she was not able to go to church four months. It has been a very difficult time for us as a family but we know that the blessing of the Lord comes with responsibility and instead of grumbling, we have had to cultivate a thankful heart for the blessing of the Lord upon us.

Evangelism Training and Evangelism Opportunities!

Evangelism Training

For the past few months, I have been taking the team (the church planting core team) comprised of eleven members and other people who have actually joined the bible study through evangelism training. It has been so encouraging to see how the training has given the team a firm grasp of the gospel and also the handles on the how of sharing the gospel, and also engage or approach people. What has been encouraging is to see the Lord grow them in both the knowledge of the gospel as well the passion and zeal to share the gospel.


Evangelism Opportunities!
Knowing that it is one thing to have a firm grip of the gospel content, and another thing to be on ground and meet a person and be able to share with that person the truths of the gospel, we have intensified evangelism as a group and at the same time challenging each and every member to seek and create and seize opportunities that are everywhere around us! So, for the past two months, we have been going out as a group to share the gospel with those in our community two Sundays in a month while the other two Sundays we do the training.

Evangelism Opportunities through CHF
CHF (Children’s Hunger Fund) has also offered us more opportunities through mercy ministry. CHF provides us with food packs which we take to families which are struggling to make ends meet but the goal is not just for us to provide food but to develop relationships with those families which will enable us to have opportunity to share the gospel. The core group has been diligently utilizing the relationships to share the gospel with those families in their homes.

Brothers giving the food packs and sharing the gospel.

Prayer Petitions!
1. Praising God for his faithfulness in bringing this work this far: for both the human resources he has
brought as well and his continued provisions upon the work.
2. Pray that the Lord will move more people to join the core team, the kind of people who will
diligently and sacrificially serve
3. Pray for the evangelistic efforts that are being made, first for the team to continue to grow in zeal for
evangelism and also to make evangelism their life
4. Pray for my wife that the Lord will sustain her throughout the pregnancy and that I will serve her
even more in this season of difficult
5. Pray for that the Lord will provide for the things we need to launch the church in June. There are a
lot of things we need.
6. Pray that even when there are no resources, we would still go ahead and launch the church.

With much love

Emmanuel Mpeni, Lilongwe Malawi


Central Baptist Church: Rustenburg

Karabo and his wife Khensi and their two boys

“…I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it” – Matthew 16:18

The promise of our faithful Lord and Saviour has been a great encouraging in the season we find ourselves in as we serve God’s people in Rustenburg. Jesus Christ is committed to the success of His church, and this frees us from anxiety in the midst of challenges and discouragement. Below is a brief report what God has been doing in our family and the church.


Family Life

The past few months have been mixed with both trials and joys. Strangely, my wife and I  have been struggling with constant headaches, but my wife’s have been much worse.  She was given medication for migraines and has been responding well to the  medication. On the other hand, we are experiencing the sustaining grace of God in our  family – raising our boys (Lwazi and Nkazimulo) has been a joy and it is wonderful to see  the grow. Recently I have started with my Masters Degree in the New Testament after a generous sponsorship to pay for my studies – I pray it will be a fruitful endeavour and  will work to serve the church well in the future.  

Church Life:

It has been encouraging to see how the church is growing in their desire to pray together.  Seeing God’s people on their knees together calling on the name of Lord is something  that has been a joy. We have been intentional about meeting together for prayer during  the week as a church and gathering before church. 

We have started with street evangelism in the inner city, it is an area that is frequented by people, presenting a great opportunity to reach many with the gospel. This has also  presented an opportunity for one on one with those who stop to hear the word being  preached. Our desire is that God will bring fruit from this by drawing his own people to  the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.  

However, amidst the progress, we have encountered challenges inherent to our  transient town. With the platinum price dropping to its record low, many people are  leaving Rustenburg in search of employment elsewhere. Since late last year, we have  seen a significant number of members leave Rustenburg, and unfortunately, this trend  has continued into the current year. Several members who were with us at the beginning  of the year have since moved away, impacting our church’s stability. 

One of the most tangible effects of this exodus has been felt in our finances. From  October 2023 to February 2024, the church faced difficulties in meeting its financial  obligations, particularly in paying rates and taxes. However, through prudent  management and the generosity of remaining members, we have been able to stabilize  our financial situation in recent months. However in the midst of all this, our hope remains secured that Christ will build His  church, and that the gospel will prevail.  

What to pray for: 

  • Pray for faithfulness and perseverance as we serve the church 
  • Pray for our evangelism efforts, that God will be pleased to save many Pray for financial stability as we experience a loss of members
  •  Pray that some of our church members will stay in Rustenburg instead of moving.



What Is the Purpose of The Church?

No question requires our most diligent study to answer correctly than the one concerning the purpose of the Church. Wrong conclusions reached on this important subject will dishonor the Lord and perhaps result in misuse of the Lord’s resources granted to His body. It is of paramount significance then that we start this discussion by defining what the church is.

The Definition of the Church

Jesus Christ himself calls the church “His” and promises to “build” it and guarantees its success against “the gates of Hades” which “will not overpower it” (Matt 16:18). The church therefore belongs to the Lord, and not to the pastors or members of a local assembly. The church has a unique relationship with the Lord as stipulated by repeated references to it being the body of Christ (1 Cor 12:27; Rom 12:5, Eph 3:6; Col 1:18). Other metaphors used in the New Testament to refer to the Church includes the bride of Christ (Rev 19:7–8; 21:9; Eph 5:31–32), or the temple of God (1 Pet 2:5; 1 Cor 6:19). This is a staggering reality in light of the fact that the one who is so united to the church possesses “all authority” in heaven and on earth (Matt 28:18). Needless to say that since the Lord is the head of the church, only he alone must define the purpose of its existence.

The Commission to the Church

After Jesus’s resurrection, he summoned his disciples to meet him in Galilee and there he gave them the great commission. The only imperative in the commission was for his followers to “make disciples” (Matt 28:19). The Lord also gave them express directions on how they were to fulfill the commission; by going, baptizing, and teaching. Minimizing the force of the imperative or any of the participles surrounding it is to limit the scope of the mission. The synoptic Gospels give us accounts of how the Lord himself made disciples after him.

We read in the Gospels that he called the disciples to follow him (John 1:35–51). He then spent a significant amount of time with them and taught them throughout his earthly ministry (Matt 5:1–7:29). At one point he sent them out to preach and make disciples (Mark 6:7–13). Simply stated, our Lord’s life provided plentiful examples of how to fulfil the commission he gave the disciples before his ascension.

Reaching Unbelievers

Fulfilling the great commission often requires that we go to where unbelievers are and reach them with the truth of the gospel. As Paul says “How will they believe in Him whom they have not heard? And how will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach unless they are sent?” (Rom 10:14–15). Evangelism then is the first major aspect of obeying the great commission. To expect unbelievers to flock to our churches to hear and respond to the gospel is to believe too highly of man. Scripture presents man as hostile to God and at enmity with him with a mind set on the flesh and utterly incapable of pleasing him (Rom 8:6–8). Elsewhere the Holy Spirit testifies that a natural man does not accept the things of God for they are foolish to him and he cannot understand them (1 Cor 2:14).

The point of these Scripture references is to conclude the case that sinners will not flock to us, but we must pursue them. Therefore, going is a crucial element of the discipleship process. And words are necessary to fulfil this “first” part of the process. As stated by Paul, “faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of Christ” (Rom 10:17). It bears emphasizing that this is the work of every believer and not just the leaders of a local assembly. Matter of fact, those who are not in vocational ministry tend to have ample opportunities to reach the lost more than vocational ministers because of their broader scope of contact with unbelievers. Another important aspect of evangelism is a transformed and sanctified life. 

Wives of unbelieving husbands are commanded to remain submissive to their husbands so that “they may be won without a word by the behavior of their wives” (1 Pet 3:1). And believers are to let their light shine before men in such a way that they may see their good works and glorify God (Matt 5:16). Although the pastor must be faithful in accomplishing the work of an evangelist (2 Tim 4:5), the whole church must be involved in consciously seeking to fulfil this commission by reaching out to unbelievers.

Baptising New Believers

True obedience to the great commission however does not end with the unbeliever coming to saving faith. The immediate step that follows confirms whether the new professor of Christianity is genuine by his willingness to rightly name Jesus as Lord before the eyes of a watching world. The local church has been suitably qualified by the Lord to assess the genuineness of one’s saving faith (Matt 18:18). Baptism is an ordinance granted to the church by the Lord Jesus and a church confirms that the one being baptized has evidence of repentance every time there’s a baptism event. Baptism then is part of fulfilling the mission of the church and a visible gospel presentation of the power of the saving gospel.

This aspect of discipleship was so entrenched into the minds of the disciples to the degree that the call to repentance was also referred to as the call to baptism (Acts 2:38). To be a follower of Jesus Christ and remain unbaptized would have been an oxymoron in the New Testament church and must be the case in our day. The Apostles obeyed the charge granted to them in the great commission by baptizing those who had received the word (Acts 2:41).  Although baptism doesn’t save anyone, it is still an important aspect of discipleship simply because our Lord commands it and it also signifies a central reality of the believer’s union with the Lord in his death and resurrection power.

Lifelong Discipleship

The Lord concludes his address in Matthew 28:16–18 with a direct command of what making disciples looks like. Contrary to most modern strategies that are only concerned with people repeating a prayer after them or walking down the aisle, the Lord says that the rest of the lifelong discipleship process concerns teaching new disciples to obey all that he has commanded (Matt 28:20). The church is the rightful place for this to happen since it is “the pillar and support of the truth” (1 Tim 3:15). As exemplified by the early church, after new believers were baptized, they immediately devoted themselves to “the apostles’ teaching” (Acts 2:42). Teaching is a major component in the life of a follower of Jesus Christ. As Jesus himself said, “My sheep hear My voice, and I know them, and they follow Me” (John 10:27). Hearing and following the commandments of Jesus is evidence of true conversion. Elsewhere Peter confessed that the Lord has the “words of eternal life” (John 6:68). The main reason why preaching, and teaching occurs in the local church is for “the equipping of the saints for the work of service” (Eph 4:12).

The Lord has designed it in such a way that the sheep will only grow in their maturity and not be tossed here and there by waves and carried about by every wind of doctrine by hearing the truth spoken in love (Eph 4:14–15). Believers are equipped to minister and admonish one another when they “let the word of Christ richly dwell within” (Col 3:16). For this reason, teaching is an essential aspect of discipleship and fulfilling the great commission. When one comes to saving faith, in essence, they enlist themselves for war and need to be equipped for it by being taught to absorb and apply Scripture. The believer’s full armor against the schemes of the devil consists of the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God (Eph 6:17). To neglect Scripture then is to forfeit the protection and preparation necessary for one to bear up under trials and temptations. As our Lord reminded us when he was tempted by the devil, “Man shall not live on bread alone, but on every word that proceeds out of the mouth of God” (Matt 4:4). 

In summary, the purpose of the church is to reach the lost with the word of the gospel buttressed by sanctified lives devoted to the Lord Jesus, followed by the baptism of new believers who respond to that message in repentance and faith, and then being taught Scripture in the context of fellowship in the local church so they grow to maturity for the rest of their lives to the glory of Christ and their own eternal good.

We long to see the townships and rural areas filled with healthy churches that fulfill Christ’s mission. We would love to hear how your church is fulfilling the great commission. Please do not hesitate to contact us today with your prayer requests.