Spreading Gospel Hope: Stories of Evangelism and Community Outreach
How then will they call on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching? And how are they to preach unless they are sent? As it is written, “How beautiful are the feet of those who preach the good news!” Romans 10:14-15
But Jesus said, “[a]Leave the children alone, and do not [b]forbid them to come to Me; for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”Matt 19:14. What an encouragement it is to get reports of all these evangelistic efforts for reaching the next generation of Christ worshippers.
Moletsane Baptist Church, Soweto
Evangelism through Holiday Bible Club: Seeking the Saviour
This was an intentional evangelistic opportunity. The biblical content put together under the theme of Seeking the Saviour laid the foundational truths that helped kids to understand who Jesus is and why they need a personal Savior. The children enjoyed an exciting morning of teaching, games, small groups (where the teaching was further explained), fun crafts, and lots of singing. The day would close out with a meal and even more fun playing soccer. We were encouraged to have roughly 75 children from the community over the course of the Bible club. We pray that the relationships developed with kids and their families can provide more opportunities to share the truth of the gospel. Watch the video!
Amazing Grace Baptist Church at Xigalo in Malamulele, Limpopo
Evangelism Through Food Parcels
Our church exists to glorify God by striving to exalt His name in all things, to equip believers for the works of service as well as to evangelize the lost. From time to time, especially during school holidays, we do house-to-house visitations with the members of our church. We have been doing this over the years since our church started. That’s the way our local church was planted. And it is also the way our church plant in Nyavani village in Malamulele was also planted just last year. We are one of the churches that has been granted an opportunity to run a Child Hunger Fund’s ministry. We are regularly supplied with food packs by CHF and we identify families that are struggling and we build relationships with them through providing them with the food packs. In that way, we show them the love of Christ and pave the way to sharing the gospel with them.
The Church in Mamelodi, Mamelodi Pretoria
Evangelism Through Educational Camps and Tutoring
Our tutoring program that runs on Saturdays allows us to help Grade 12 learners with their studies, while preaching the good news of Christ and teaching scripture memory. We recently enjoyed a camp weekend of fun, games, singing, and the word being taught to these students.
Evangelism Through Tutoring: Brother Muzi Dlamini, KZN
I am also reaching out to grade 12 learners who are struggling in mathematics. I start with preaching an evangelistic sermon and teach them maths during camps where different schools meet for maths intervention. I also helped my local secondary school with teaching math as a substitute teacher for grades 9-12. This was voluntary on my part to share the love of Christ and further creates a unique opportunity to foster relationships with the schools. for the sake of the gospel. This is also a great opportunity for wider reach as it is a mix of students from various and neighbouring schools.
I have am evangelizing in my village where I go to the heads of households and explain the GOSPEL until it clearly understood then I give them time to make an informed decision and also explain how to become a Christian. Praying that these efforts would bear much fruit and the Lord would save some as they turn from their sins to the living God.
Rustenburg Baptist Church, North West
Evangelism Through Open Mic Preaching:
We started with street evangelism in the inner city, it is an area that is frequent by people and presents a great opportunity to reach many with the gospel. This has also presented an opportunity for one on one with those who stop to hear the word being preached. Our desire is that God will bring fruit from this by drawing his own people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Be praying for us and where the gospel seed is planted that it would bear much fruit, for it is God who causes it to grow, for neither the one who plants or waters knows, but God.
What better response is there than to echo the words of Paul in 1 Tim 2:1 when he exhorts therefore, first of all, that supplications, prayers, intercessions, thanksgivings, be made for all men…